This past weekend for us Coloradans, we heard all kinds of weather predictions. Up to 4+ feet of the white fluffy stuff forecast for Thursday. Wait, they really meant Friday. Just kidding, Saturday morning. Okay, Saturday afternoon.
Finally, it came. A pristine blanket of glistening white closing everything down for a couple of days. The quiet beauty after that kind of storm is something to be savored. Not to mention some winter fun sledding, building snowmen, or (for Lifescape Portraits) photo shoots!
Some of our Ambassadors were brave enough to venture out in the storm’s aftermath. They forged a path through the deep drifts and had a great time posing against wintry hogbacks and snowy red rocks.
As you can see, they looked amazing and had a fun time in the process. The afternoon ended with an impromptu snowball fight. All in a day’s work and play with our Ambassadors.
Shep and the team at Lifescape Portraits want to thank Catherine, Hannah, Liam, Sophie, and Syndey for a great session! We are looking forward to the next one in Colorado’s budding springtime landscapes.